According to the 1977 Super DC Comics Calendar, today is Barbara Gordon's birthday. Happy birthday Batgirl! The art in the calendar entry you see below belongs to the cover of Detective Comics 359 (1967) which was also the "Million Dollar Debut of Batgirl."
Below you can appreciate interior art of that classic issue that introduced the dominoed daredoll to the world of comics. Barbara Gordon dons the cape and cowl to become Batgirl. Created by Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino.

On a side note, I am glad to announce that after YEARS of not being able to fix the comments link at the bottom of each post, I have finally found the fix and enabled it. As it turns out, there is a known issue with Google's Blogger and there is a workaround to fix it, I just never bothered to look... duh! So please, comment away!
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