After the Thanagarian invasion and the revelation that Hawkgirl was in fact a spy, the winged wonder left the Justice League rather than being kicked out by her former teammates. This seemed to be the end of Shayera's story with the Justice League...
But then came Justice League Unlimited. When Salomon Grundy resurrected and was wreaking havok, Hawkgirl returned and was the only one who could stop him. She was ashamed for the part she played in the invasion, but despite this, she was welcomed again in the team's ranks.
No longer wearing her thanagarian police uniform but a jumpsuit, and going simply by "Shayera", the winged wonder returned to the Justice League Unlimited. This proves that it is not the title of Hawkgirl, or the helmet, it is the warrior inside who is an ass kicker...Yeah! - Hear that Kendra? -
Free... that's Hawkwoman. Who wouldn't like to grow a pair of wings to leave the ground and take the highest flight? Here are some images of the winged wonder in the air! The first shot is by Bruce Timm, prior to his Justice League hit series; the second shot shows two beautiful aliens: Shayera Thal from Thanagar and Kara Zor-El from Krypton (courtesy of a website called captive 2D); the third shot is from an Adventure Comics cover.
Libre... así es la Mujer Halcón. Quién no quisiera tener un par de alas para poder despegarse del suelo y emprender el vuelo más alto? Aquí están algunas imagenes de la maravilla alada en el aire! La primera imagen fué dibujada por Bruce Timm antes de su éxito con la serie animada de la Liga de la Justicia; la segunda imagen muestra a dos hermosas extraterrestres: Shayera Thal de Thanagar y Kara Zor-El de Kryptón (cortesía de un website llamado captive 2D); la tercera imagen pertenece a una portada de Adventure Comics.
Okay, so maybe not a spokesperson,but how many of you have had the chance to appear in an add to sell a product?
The android proved to be none other than the Construct possesing Red Tornado's body, and in order to fight him, the League needed all the help they could get, so Hawkman proposed that Hawkgirl be given full official status as a member of the Justice League of America.
2007 Mera and Aquaman by Tonner
Fall/Winter 2008 Mera by Tonner
The Atlantean queen wears a royal crown encrusted with sparkling beads, gilt shells and starfish. Dangling sea shell earrings, pantyhose, and matching faux leather heels complete her regal ensemble. Display stand included.