Classic character from the DC Universe!
Highly detailed, with articulation.
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Highly detailed, with articulation.
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I am 100% positive this is going to be one of those impossible-to-find and get-it-on-ebay-for-300-bucks type of action figure, but what the heck... at least it is good to know she's out there, right?

Save the world (and your collection) with these ever-popular heroes! From Mattel and the DC Universe, this exciting 7-inch scale Hawkgirl Action Figure features brilliant colors, tons of detail, and plenty of articulation. Don't miss out on this exceptional figure! The figure also comes with a stand for the Giganta build-a-figure!
Last October, my friend Haf presented me with this action figure of Hawkgirl and Big Barda.
Since then, my interest in Hawkgirl has been renewed.
With the assistance of Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics and DCUGuide's Unofficial Who's Who in the DC Universe, I have compiled a list of her appearances from her first appearance in Brave and the Bold #34 (February-March 1961) entitled "Creature of a Thousand Shapes" to Legend of the Hawkman #3 (2000)entitled "Flight of Faith"
Both Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics and the Unofficial Guide in the DC Universe have listed Hawkgirl's appearance in Justice League of America #195 (October 1981) entitled "Targets on Two Worlds". This is an annual reunion of JLA/JSA reprinted in the second volume of Justice League of America by George Perez.
Oops... the Unofficial Guide to the DC Universe.
Hawkgirl appears in Justice League of America #135 (October 1976) entitled "Crisis in Eternity", #136 (November 1976) entitled "Crisis on Earth-S" and #137 (December 1976) entitled "Crisis in Tomorrow". This is Hawkgirl's first appearance in an annual reunion of JLA/JSA. She is a guest star and is team-up with Bulletgirl. This is reprinted in the fourth volume of Crisis on Multiple Earths.
Oops... she is teamed-up with Bulletgirl, possibly another redhead. They are reprinted in the fourth volume of Crisis on Multiple Earths.
Hawkgirl appears and is elected to membership in Justice League of America #146 (September 1977) entitled "Inner Mission".
Hawkgirl appears and Zatanna is elected to membership in Justice League of America #161 (December 1978) entitled "The Reverse-Spells of Zatanna's Magic-cigaM". On page 22, panel 4 is the last panel and it is my all-time favorite. It has the four female Justice Leaguers... Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Zatanna and Wonder Woman
clustered, gathered, bunched together. They are reprinted in Justice League of America Hereby Elects...
Inspired by Avatar and remembering adventures on other worlds like Rann and Illoral, I imagine the four female Justice Leaguers... Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Zatanna and Wonder Woman journeying to Mordru's sorcerers' world of Zerox to rescue Supergirl, a recurring guest star, from an agent of chaos. They encounter an assortment of inhabitants - friendly, hostile, suspicious, treacherous and devious.
I am over 60 and I live in the past. I hope stories like Justice and Ladies' Night come along once awhile. I have a short wish list. I wish to see the four female Justice Leaguers of the silver age... Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Zatanna and Wonder Woman in a story together along with recurring guest star... Supergirl.
Hawkgirl appears in one panel in Justice League of America #159 (October 1978) entitled "crisis from Yesterday", two panels in Justice League of America #160 (November 1978) entitled "Crisis from Tomorrow" and one panel in Justice League of America #183 (October 1980) entitled "Where Have All the New Gods Gone?". They are annual reunions of JLA/JSA. They are reprinted in the fifth volume of Crisis on Multiple Earths.
Hawkwoman appears in Action Comics #588 (May 1987)entitled "All Wars Must End" with Superman and Hawkman. This is reprinted in third volume of Superman: The Man of Steel. The house ad for this issue was the image of Superman, Hawkman and Hawkwoman by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez from the 1982 style guide.
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