Johns: Well Mera is like Aquaman. She's caught between two worlds – Atlantis and the land. She's been the queen to Aquaman's king for decades. A lot of people know of her but I really wanted to play up the sense of regal power in her, and all of the things she's had to deal with. She's lost a child. She's lost a husband. She's lost her world and seen Atlantis fall. And yet despite all that she's still standing tall with her trident. I think she's one of the toughest and most resilient characters in the DC Universe if you look at what she's gone through. So I wanted to showcase her. I think she is one of the most powerful, most interesting characters in DC.
IGN Comics: So we'll see more of her as the series progresses? Her role will continue in the Blackest Night series itself?
Johns: Yes. Another thing about her… there's one particular scene, and Ivan was masterful in the way he drew it, where you see the entire Aquaman family – Aquaman, Aquagirl, Tempest and Dolphin – as Black Lanterns… and the only one left is Mera. And that's where she's going to be now. That's sadly what she's used to. She's always left out.
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