Saturday, August 15, 2009

Blackest Night # 2 - Mera

Black Lantern Aquaman is about to tear Mera's heart out, but the beautiful redhead collects herself, and invoking her hard water powers, commands the ocean to strike the one who used to be its King, demonstrating once more how her ability is fueled by her willpower. While Aquaman temporarily falls, Mera regains possession of her trident.

In the meantime, Tempest is up on top of Arthur Curry's lighthouse fighting his undead ex-girlfriend and wife. The young Titan uses his magic to freeze Dolphin's head; Mera arrives, and with her trident shatters Dolphin's head. Then Tula goes after Garth.

To Mera's surprise, Dolphin's head starts reforming, indicating that these beings - whatever they are - will not be easily destroyed. Making reference to the brief romance Aquaman had with her, Dolphin asks Mera: "Are you angry with me Mera, or yourself?"

Comment: Mera kicks ass #2. That shot of the Queen shattering Black Lantern Dolphin's head is just perfect! What a beautiful, powerful, and brave Mera we see here. Ivan Reis' rendition is probably the most beautiful I have ever seen. Regarding Mera's powers, it is known that they are psionic in nature, which means they are as strong as her willpower; could this mean something?

To be continued...

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