This is a much more conservative, simple CGI, similar to what you would see in a video game design; however, if you look very carefully, you can almost see Yvonne Craig's face... I swear! This one, same as yesterday's Hawkwoman, reminds me of X-Men's season 1 ending credits.
Monday, August 31, 2009
CGI Block :: Batgirl
Sunday, August 30, 2009
CGI Block :: Hawkwoman
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Geoff Johns on Mera and Blackest Night
Friday, August 28, 2009
Don't cry for me Argen... er... Hawkgirl
Justice League of America #72
After being recued on the fifth day, Hawkgirl spends the next 6 days sick with grief due to the absence of Hawkman. On day thirtheen, Red Tornado saves the Justice League from demonic beings, and uses a gas to bring all the salt statues back to life.
"13 Days to Doom"
During this phase of the Justice League of America, Wonder Woman and the Martian Manhunter had resigned; the team was two members short and did not have any women in it. This issue was originally intended to be the induction of Red Tornado and Hawkgirl as new members, but the idea was later discarded, and instead Black Canary was brought from Earth-2 to join the League in issue #75.
Art by Dick Dillin and Sid Greene
Reddy and Shayera wouldn't join the team until #146, but even though she didnt become part of the League until much later, Hawkgirl was a frequent guest star in the series, and helped not only the Justice League but also the Justice Society in many cases.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Don't cry for me Argen... er... Mera
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Don't cry for me Argen... er... Batgirl
Detective Comics #484
Batgirl spends the rest of that night trying to find the would-be-murderer. Searching for clues, tracking steps, interrogating suspects and witnesses, and even preventing a second attempt at the commissionner when he is taken to the hospital.
"The Race Against Murder"
Unable to find the one responsible for the heinous act, Batgirl goes over the events that took place one more time, and thanks to her photographic memory realizes that the perpetrator is the first witness she came across. The damsel of Gotham captures all the thugs involved in the attempt, and the Commissionner soon goes back to active duty.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Mera and Other Heroes
In this cover of Justice League of America #88 Mera gets a guest spot as she and Black Canary, Aquaman, Flash, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Atom, Batman, and Superman do the walk of shame; rejected by the people of the world for not being able to save the planet, whereas three normal citizens were able to do it. The cover art is by Neal Adams. Mera does not play a significant role in the story, but at least is acknowledged.
Notice how the red in Mera's hair, Flash's uniform, and Superman's cape are strategically placed in a triangle to make all the other colors in the cover pop. Yes people, it's called "color theory" and good artists know when to use it.
Final Cover for JLA #88
En esta portada de los Campeones de la Justicia #88 Mera es invitada especial, y junto a Canario Negro, Aquaman, Flash, Hombre Halcón, Flecha Verde, Linterna Verde, Atom, Batman, y Superman camina la marcha de la verguenza; rechazados por la población del mundo por no haber sido capaces de salvar el planeta mientras que tres ciudadanos normales si pudieron hacerlo. El arte de la portada es por Neal Adams. Mera no juega un papel significante en la historia, pero al menos es considerada.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Batgirl and Other Heroes

Aquí tenemos una gran imagen de algunos de los más grandes héroes de la Tierra corriendo junto con nuestra querida Batichica: Primero está Superchica, la chica de acero del planeta Kriptón; después está el hombre más veloz del mundo, Flash; y finalmente tenemos a Cyborg, miembro de los jóvenes Titanes. Es gracioso como Batichica es mostrada corriendo delante de Flash y Superchica. Arte por José Luis García-López.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Hawkwoman and Other Heroes
He aquí una impresionante mezcla de héroes voladores listos a luchar. De Tierra-2 tenemos a los héroes místicos Espectro y Doctor Destino. Directamente del siglo XXXI, tenemos a los miembros fundadores de la Legión de Super Héroes Relámpago, Saturna, y Cósmico. Finalmente, de Tierra-1 tenemos a Antorcha, el hombre nuclear, y liderando la tropa, por supuesto, nuestra querida Mujer Halcón. Que equipo! Arte por el igualmente espectacular José Luis García-López.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
DC Comics Presents Superman & Batgirl

This was not the first time this great duo teamed up for some unusual and dangerous adventure. In the past Superman and Batgirl have confronted other menaces and have developed a professional friendship. Strangely enough, Clark Kent and Barbara Gordon are good friends as well, but they don't know each other's secret identities. Here, you can appreciate the introductory page with finished colors:

Even more strange, Superman and Batgirl met for the first time when both of them were just children, and neither one of them knows it. Superboy had just returned to the present from his tenure in the 31st century as a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes when he confronted a very smart and brave girl who had accidentally acquired super-powers and adopted the name "Mighty-Girl"... any guesses who that girl is? Yup, Barbara Gordon!
Here, you can appreciate the introductory page in Spanish as presented in the Superman title published by Editorial Novaro, and later on by Editora Cinco.
Friday, August 21, 2009
More Cards :: Batgirl, Hawkwoman, Mera
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ame-Comi Batgirl & Hawkgirl
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Microheroines V :: Arts & Crafts