This great image by none other than José Luis García López is part of the 1988 DC Comics Calendar. It features the women of DC, and two of the redheads are part of the shot: Hawkwoman and Batgirl share the stage with Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Wonder Girl, Zatanna, and Supergirl. When I was a kid, I remember this image coming in a centerfold in one of the old Superman comics in Colombia, and immediately fell in love with it. In the DC Calendar, this picture was featured for the month of December; great way to end the year.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Hawkwoman and Batgirl in your wall calendar
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Since 1988, I have been imagining six of them, including Starfire, from the pages of Supergirl #20 (June 1984), meeting Hawkwoman, the only Justice Leaguer who was not at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Supergirl because she was on monitor duty, and Batgirl, who was occupied in Gotham City because Batman and the Outsiders were in Japan (June 1984().
Now, I am trying to imagine Mera in the mix.
Fall 1988, I was in Toronto visiting my brother and I purchased the last calendar on sale from Dragon Lady.
That was how I secured my copy of this image of seven of dc's female dynamos.
Another version of this image appears in Aquaman Shrine/keyword: Jose Luis Garcia Lopez. The difference is Supergirl's costume. The origin of this version came from Amos Del Retro.
According to
there were two style guides for Supergirl. The first one was in 1982. Because of the movie, the second one was in 1984.
The image of the seven female dynamos that appears in
Album de Figuritas (1er Edicion)
is the 1982 style.
The image in the 1988 calendar is the 1984 style.
I am sorry that it was Raven at the bottom right corner and not Starfire in the 1982 version of the image that appears in Aquaman Shrine (keyword: Jose Luis Garcia Lopez)/Amos Del Retro. Another redhead would have made it perfect for me.
Thanks for posting the 1984 image of Supergirl, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Batgirl, Wonder Girl, and Hawkwoman by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez and Dick Giordano. In Modern Masters and in an interview in Newsarama, JLGL said he did the pencils and DG did most of the inks.
An example appears in
There was an instance where Dan Adkins did the inks on Supergirl. Another instance Joe Giella did the inks on Wonder Woman.
You gave me an opportunity to express myself after 20 years.
Land, sea, air and space.
Batgirl, Mera, Hawkwoman and Starfire.
Four red-haired female dynamos.
Across at Batichica
another style guide image by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez: Batgirl and Hawkwoman with Aquaman, Robin and Green Lantern
or simply
Aquaman, Batgirl, Hawkwoman, Robin and Green Lantern by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez
u c 4 20 years
I have been loco about the seven female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez plus one or two... from the pages of Justice League of America: Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Hawkwoman and Zatanna; New Teen Titans: Wonder Girl and Starfire; World's Finest Comics: Supergirl and Batgirl and Aquaman: Mera.
The 1982 and 1984 style guides by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez were used for the Super Powers Collection of action figures by Kenner. Twenty-six years later, they are still being used in other merchandise. There are tees now with Black Canary, Mary Marvel, Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Hawkwoman with arms linked. There are other tees with Supergirl, Wonder Woman and Batgirl. There is a set of magnets of Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, Batgirl and Supergirl. The E card of Cromy issued in 1985 should accompany the magnets because the same female dynamos are on it.
You can check out Amazon for those tees and magnets.
I am happy. I found an image of Starfire by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez that I like. It was in front of my face all the time. It was a house ad for New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #17 February 1986. At the beginning, I believed it was by JLGL. With the passage of time, doubt crept in. Finally, I got confirmation at (JPEG Image, 1444x1000 pixels)with his signature on it.
Across at amos del retro the image of Starfire appeared in the second album under Super_Amigos_Album02_21.JPG and the 1982 version of the calendar image appeared in the first album under Super_Amigos_Album01_4.JPG with Hawkwoman at the top corners, Mera at the bottom left corner and Raven at the bottom right corner.
If I take the Starfire image and place it over George Perez's Raven, the whole page will be by JLGL.
This great image by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez is being printed on tees according to the following sites
After 25 years, the 1982 style guide by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez is still going strong and going around.
The image of seven of my favorite female dynamos, entitled "please get me", is being printed on tees.
Today I have joined Jose Luis Garcia Lopez in the 61 club.
More art by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez on and
More art by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez on
More art by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez from 1982 style guide on - La Pagina del Coleccionista Argentino
click on super amigos
click on Album de Figuritas (1er Edicion)
click on Album de Figuritas (2da Edicion)
Please get me seven female dynamos
Female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez for DC Comics 1982 style guide:
Supergirl, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Batgirl, Wonder Girl, Hawkwoman, Starfire, Mera, Mary Marvel, Catwoman, Cheetah, Raven, Lois Lane, and Lana Lang.
Four female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez:
Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl and Hawkwoman
Two female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez for DC Comics style guide 1982:
Supergirl (Kara Zor-El from Krypton aka Linda Lee Danvers) first appeared in Action Comics #252 (May 1959) entitled "The Supergirl from Krypton" and made one of several appearances in Justice League of America vol. 1 #132 (July 1976) entitled "The Beasts Who Fought Like Men".
Zatanna (Zatanna Zatara) first appeared in Hawkman vol. 1 #4 (October-November 1964) entitled "The Girl Who Split in Two" and was elected to membership in Justice League of America vol. 1 #161 (December 1978) entitled "The Reverse-Spells of Zatanna's Magic-cigaM".
The duo appeared in Supergirl vol. 1 #7 (October 1973) entitled "The Sinister Snowman".
Two female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez for DC Comics style guide 1982:
Wonder Woman (Princess Diana of Paradise Island aka Diana Prince) first appeared in All-Star Comics #8 (December 1941-January 1942) entitled "Introducing Wonder Woman" and was a founding member of the Justice League of America in Brave and the Bold vol. 1 #28 (February-March 1960) entitled Starro the Conqueror".
Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance from Earth-Two) first appeared and was elected to membership in Justice League of America vol. 1 #75 (November 1969) entitled "In Each Man There is a Demon".
The duo appeared in Wonder Woman vol. 1 #309 (November 1983) entitled "The Black Canary is Dead".
Two female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez for DC Comics style guide 1982:
Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) first appeared in Detective Comics #359 (January 1967) entitled "The Million Dollar Debut of Batgirl" and made one appearance in Justice League of America vol. 1 #60 (December 1968) entitled "Winged Warriors of the Immortal Queen".
Wonder Girl (Donna Hinckley Stacey Troy) first appeared and was a founding member of the Teen Titans in Brave and the Bold vol. 1 #60 (June-July 1965) entitled "The Astounding Separated Man".
In 1967, Batgirl sparked my interest in an all-female force.
Two female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez for DC Comics style guide 1982:
Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol from Thanagar aka Shiera Hall) first appeared as Hawkgirl in Brave and the Bold vol. 1 #34 (February-March 1961) entitled "Creature of a Thousand Shapes" and was elected to membership in Justice League of America vol. 1 #146 (September 1977) entitled "Inner Mission". Her title was changed from Hawkgirl to Hawkwoman in World's Finest Comics #272 (October 1981) entitled "Drive' Me to the Moon".
Starfire (Princess Koriand'r from Tamaran aka Kory Anders) first appeared and was a charter member of the New Teen Titans in DC Comics Presents #26 (October 1980)entitled "Where Nightmare Begins".
Starfire was the 8th female dynamo from the image on
Two female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez for DC Comics style guide 1982:
Mera, former queen of Xebel from Dimension Aqua, first appeared in Aquaman vol. 1 #11 (September-October 1963) entitled "The Doom from Dimension Aqua" and made an appearance in Justice League of America vol. 1 #65 (September 1968) entitled "T.O. Morrow Kills the Justice League -- Today".
Raven, who grew up in an alternate dimension called Azarath, first appeared and reformed the Teen Titans as the New Teen Titans in DC Comics Presents #26 (October 1980) entitled "Where Nightmares Begin".
Two female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez for DC Comics style guide 1982:
Catwoman (Selina Kyle) first appeared in Batman #1 (Spring 1940) entitled (The Cat).
Cheetah (Deborah Domaine) first appeared in Wonder Woman vol. 1 #274 (December 1980) entitled "One Super-Villain: Made to Order" and served as a member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains in a conflict with both the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America in Justice League of America vol. 1 #195 (October 1981) entitled "Targets on Two Worlds".
Two female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez for DC Comics style guide 1982:
Faora Hu-Ul, a beautiful Kryptonian who was imprisoned in the Phantom Zone, first appeared in Action Comics #471 (May 1977) entitled "One of Our Prisoners Is Missing".
Mary Marvel (Mary Bromfield Batson of Earth-S) first appeared in Captain Marvel Adventures #18 (December 1942) entitled "Captain Marvel Introduces Mary Marvel". She made her first appearance in the DC multiverse in Shazam #1 (February 1973) entitled "The World's Wickedest Plan" and made an appearance in Justice League of America vol. 1 #137 (December 1976) entitled "Crisis in Tomorrow".
The last two of sixteen female dynamos by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez for DC Comics style guide 1982:
Lois Lane first appeared in Action Comics #1 (June 1938) entitled (Superman, Champion of the Opressed).
Lana Lang first appeared in Superboy vol. 1 #10 (September-October 1950) entitled "The Girl in Superboy's Life" and made her first adult appearance in Superman vol. 1 #78 (September-October 1952)entitled "The Girls in Superman's Life".
Avatar reminds me of other worlds like Rann, Skataris, Illoral, L'arra Sha, and Gemworld. I imagine the four female Justice Leaguers... Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Hawkgirl, and Zatanna journeying to the Sorcerers' World to rescue Supergirl from an agent of Chaos. They encounter friendly and hostile inhabitants as per usual.
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