The World's Greatest Super Heroes. This ia a DC Comics/Nutra-Child Vitamins, Inc. promotional comic book featuring Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman, titled "Your Guide To Good Health"

The book features original art accompanied by health tips, including exercising, eating fruits and vegetables, and cleanliness. Here we see Batgirl and Wonder Woman setting the example and advising how healthy it is to go out jogging.
Printed in December 1976 to promote World's Greatest Super Heroes Chewable Vitamins, the premium booklet is 12 pages with art by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano. It is printed on heavy, slick paper 8" x 8"

Have a super day every day! We think you will, if you follow the guidelines we've set in this health care booklet for you. If you stick to the Big 3 of health care: cleanliness, exercise, and good nutrition. If you use your good will and good judgment. And if you see your doctor and your dentist regularly.

World's Greatest Super Heroes Chewable Vitamins are a mother's best friend! So say Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman!

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