Sunday, July 25, 2010

Batgirl in The Brave & The Bold #33

This is a very weird story, and I cetainly hope it takes place out of continuity. In a nutshell, Zatanna and Wonder Woman know that Batgirl is going to be shot in the spine by The Joker and will be left paralized. What do they do with this information? They take poor Barbara clubbing the night before her world comes crashing down on her.

By the time Barbara was shot by The Joker, she had already given up being Batgirl, which is why I made the "out of continuity" reference. It doesn't even work as an Elseworlds story; come on... a powerful magician, and an amazon gifted powers by the gods themselves cannot protect an ally from terrible suffering and just allow it to happen? Very morbid.

Anyway, the only thing I liked about this issue was the art -and not all of it, only a few pages- some of which is shown here.

1 comment:

Nerites said...

Este ha sido uno de mis cómics favoritos de todo el año.

La idea de que dos amigas se reúnan para pasar un tiempo de calidad con otra porque saben que algo malo puede pasarle - sin saber cuándo - es muy fuerte para mi.