The second half of the 1980s JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA stories illustrated by top artist George Pérez is collected in this new hardcover. Included are the team's battles with Darkseid and The Secret Society of Super-Villains, as well as an epic featuring the League's counterparts from Earth-2, The Justice Society of America.
Funny thing is that I am positive Hwkgirl was not in any of the stories during George's run. Besides this pin-up of the JLA, the only other times he drew her during his tenure in the book was here. It's a shame!
This book contains Justice League of America #200 (March 1982) entitled "A League Divided", which is my all time favorite, even without Hawkgirl. Justice League of America Annual #1 (1983)entitled [If I Should Die Before I Wake...] is another favorite. This has the four female Justice Leaguers. Chapter two has Hawkgirl with Hawkman, Atom and Firestorm. Chapter three has Black Canary with Green Arrow and Aquaman. Chapter four has Wonder Woman with Flash and Green Lantern. Chapter five has Zatanna with Elongated Man and Red Tornado.
The cover of Justice League of America #217 (August 1983) entitled "All the Elements of Disaster" by George Perez is my all time favorite, even without Hawkgirl. The cover of Justice League of America Hereby Elects... by Jerry Ordway is another favorite. It has the four female Justice Leaguers... Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Wonder Woman and Zatanna.
The last panel in Justice League of America #161 (December 1978) entitled "The Reverse-Spells of Zatanna's Magic-cigaM" is my all time favorite. It has Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Wonder Woman and Zatanna. Zee joins in this issue. Pages 31 and 32 which form one panel in Justice League of America #157 (August 1978) entitled "Till Doom Do Us Part" is another favorite. It has my favorite guest star Supergirl with Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman and Black Canary.
I have finally seen Avatar in 3D. As mentioned before, Pandora reminds me of other worlds like Gemworld and Illoral, which Hawkman and Hawkgirl have visited. I still imagine Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Hawkgirl and Zatanna travelling to the Sorcerers' World to rescue Supergirl from an agent of Chaos.
Yesterday evening, my friend Haf presented me with a copy of the second volume of Justice League of America by George Perez. I guess Hawkgirl has earned the right to appear on the jacket of this volume. Apart from the bonus pin-up, Hawkgirl appears on page 18 panel 2 of Justice League of America #195 (October 1981) entitled "Targets on Two Worlds".
This book contains Justice League of America #200 (March 1982) entitled "A League Divided", which is my all time favorite, even without Hawkgirl.
Justice League of America Annual #1 (1983)entitled [If I Should Die Before I Wake...] is another favorite. This has the four female Justice Leaguers. Chapter two has Hawkgirl with Hawkman, Atom and Firestorm. Chapter three has Black Canary with Green Arrow and Aquaman. Chapter four has Wonder Woman with Flash and Green Lantern. Chapter five has Zatanna with Elongated Man and Red Tornado.
The cover of Justice League of America #217 (August 1983) entitled "All the Elements of Disaster" by George Perez is my all time favorite, even without Hawkgirl.
The cover of Justice League of America Hereby Elects... by Jerry Ordway is another favorite. It has the four female Justice Leaguers... Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Wonder Woman and Zatanna.
The last panel in Justice League of America #161 (December 1978) entitled "The Reverse-Spells of Zatanna's Magic-cigaM" is my all time favorite. It has Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Wonder Woman and Zatanna. Zee joins in this issue.
Pages 31 and 32 which form one panel in Justice League of America #157 (August 1978) entitled "Till Doom Do Us Part" is another favorite. It has my favorite guest star Supergirl with Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman and Black Canary.
I have finally seen Avatar in 3D.
As mentioned before, Pandora reminds me of other worlds like Gemworld and Illoral, which Hawkman and Hawkgirl have visited.
I still imagine Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Hawkgirl and Zatanna travelling to the Sorcerers' World to rescue Supergirl from an agent of Chaos.
Yesterday evening, my friend Haf presented me with a copy of the second volume of Justice League of America by George Perez.
I guess Hawkgirl has earned the right to appear on the jacket of this volume.
Apart from the bonus pin-up, Hawkgirl appears on page 18 panel 2 of Justice League of America #195 (October 1981) entitled "Targets on Two Worlds".
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