Mera is set to appear in "Aquaman: King Of Atlantis - The Animated Trilogy," voiced by actress Gillian Jacobs. The mini-series is set to debut on October 14th. Mera, the water-controlling warrior princess is Aquaman's Royal Advisor, along with Vulko the Scholar, and will help him defend Atlantis against the menace of Ocean Master.
British Royal Mail celebrates the DC Super-Heroes through the ages with 18 themed stamps to go on sale on September 17, 2021. The main set of 12 stamps features iconic characters from the Batman family and their enemies. An additional set of six stamps also features heroes from the Justice League.
Barbara takes the Anti-Oracle attack on her Oracle Network personally, and she suits up as Batgirl, accompanying Nightwing and Tim Drake to track down who is responsible. But with fear consuming the streets of Gotham, Batgirl and Nightwing accidentally get hit with something that reveals their deepest fears... and it involves each other!
"Fear State" Tie-In. Someone has hacked into the Oracle Network and has started spreading information around Gotham -Batman is dead, Cassandra Cain Batgirl is a killer, Fear Toxin is in the air. Which is true and which is false? Batwoman will find out with the help of Commissioner Renee Montoya and... Kate's sister Beth, AKA Red Alice?!